Sunday, April 27, 2014

NBA: Donald Sterling is being who you knew he was

I laugh to myself when I hear people talk about how racism is not an issue. That it doesn't affect society the way it used to in the past. I also shake my head when people scoff at my assertion that the plantation mentality is prevalent big time sports. We have come a long way, but we have not come as far as a lot of us would like to think. Donald Sterling is the example of both of those points. This is not the first time he let folks know how he feels about us. It must be addressed. I don't want the NBA to do anything. The people he has disdain for need to make him feel it in his wallet. Boycott anything clippers, or any other business he is associated with. When the NBA starts to feel an economic pinch, we won't have to ask them to do anything. They will do something not because it is right, but because of how their association with him continues hurts their bottom line. We can not continue to be mindless sheep. Don't cry for people to do anything about this situation do it yourself. If you are mad, flex your economic muscle and make your voice heard.

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